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Junior Business Analyst

Serbien Job-ID 4807
We are looking for a curious, friendly and analytical new colleague to join our team as Junior Business Analyst.If you are great with working in Excel, you enjoy working with data and extracting information from them, while also figuring out the ways how some processes can be improved - you might...

Junior Payroll Specialist

Serbien Job-ID 4467
Tražimo motivisanog i entuzijastičnog Junior Payroll Specialista koji će osigurati tačan i pravovremen obračun plata, kao i održavanje baze podataka zaposlenih. Ako uživate u rešavanju problema, pažljivi ste i posvećeni poštovanju standarda, ovo je prava prilika za vas. Pridružite se našem timu i...